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[4月21日]Paradoxicality of“Counterfactual Communication”

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题 目:paradoxicality of "counterfactual communication"
报告人:Mohammad Dhafer Al-Amri

Associate Professor, the National Center for  Applied Physics, King Abdul-Aziz City for Scienceand Technology AaudiArabia

时 间:4月21日(周二),上午10:00-11:00

地 点:南校区第一实验楼406学术会议室

报告摘要:There hasbeen a bit of debate about our recent "Protocol for Direct CounterfactualQuantum Communication". In thistalk I will go over some of that, and then present a generic system ofmeasurement of weak values in a nested Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The idea isto show that the weak measurement and the subsequent evolution 

are consistentwith our quantum mechanical expectations. As you will see, this is in totalagreement with 

the Standard Quantum Mechanical calculation; hopefully, you willbe convinced that there is no mystery 

or paradox in our proposed protocol.